First Baptist Church of Salt Lake City

Not what you’d expect, but maybe what you're looking for...

We invite all people, regardless of color, gender, sexual orientation, or station in life, 
to be on their journey of faith, exploring what it means to follow Christ together.  

First Baptist Church is a welcoming and affirming (LGBTQIA+) American Baptist Church whose arms are open to embrace everyone, just as God embraces us all without distinction. We worship God joyfully and serve Jesus enthusiastically. 

We are a place of worship. But we’re also a place for people to grow roots, raise children, and grow their family through strong connections within our community. First Baptist has been an integral part of many peoples’ lives. 

Generations of people are forever connected to one another through our community.
Gay LGBTQIA+ affirming church in Salt Lake City Utah

Who We Are

We are Baptists who:

Don’t get hung up on dogma.

Want you to develop and foster your faith in an encouraging and safe environment.

See faith as not something we have, but something we do. 

Have traded fire and brimstone for love and affirmation. 

Learn More

We both grew up at this church, going to Sunday School, attending summer camp, participating in youth group... We also got married here! First Baptist Church gave us a safe and welcoming place to grow up as young people and provided us with a community that would always be there for us. First Baptist is a place to come engage in meaningful worship on Sundays and be involved in a church family that welcomes you and cares about you no matter who you are.

Join Us!

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